
Una ciudad construida en equipo

Antes de llegar a las fotos del producto final, este es un resumen de lo que fue el proceso, para más información: GALERÍA DE FOTOS

Ariela tardó varios días en construir su edificio, su mesa elegante y luego con cerámica hizo el jardín y una piscina.

En las afueras de esta ciudad pasa un tren cargado de muchas cosas.

Los cables de electricidad están en distintas partes de la ciudad.

Muy cerca de la casa de Arie está la piscina mágica.

Esta es una vista aérea del play de la ciudad.
Todas las calles están señalizadas.



  1. Carolina, the depth and scope of this project is truly impressive - you have some amazing kids! Can I ask how old the kids are that you work with? I am passing these posts onto one of the teachers at our school - this term they are doing a project on cities and building their own cities so I'm sure your work will provide some inspiration.

  2. Thanks! Actually this was a one week summer camp with 17 children ages 3-7. They all contributed to the creation of the city. I have the paper designs that they made before starting to build the city.
    It was really amazing to see how they worked together even though it was the first time they met. I missed them already but I`m happy to know that they had a great time. Many parents asked for a second week and that´s why I'm preparing everything for next week. I will post the pictures here.

  3. Ah! This is wonderful and your photos document it so well! Thank you for finding me. I'm excited to follow your work with young children.

    Now off to look at some older posts! =)

  4. Thank you Teacher Tom! I have seen many of your posts too and I will try some of the activities next week with my children!

    If you need a translation about anything you read here please let me know and I'll be happy to help you!

  5. Carolina, thank you for all your posts. I've been to Reggio, and it STILL seems so mysterious to me. Hopefully through blogs more people will get a better grasp on this wonderful approach to education!

  6. That city is amazing! So glad you linked it up to It's Playtime this week! This is a great idea that can be adapted for different levels of education.


  7. I'm back to tell you that you were my main feature this week for It's Playtime -- I am so in awe of this! Come on over and play again this week!

  8. this is amazing! I love the detail. I love that it is recycled object. The whole project is fantastic!!!
