

Project Zero Classroom, Reggio Emilia Study Group, Play On 2010, Educating on the 21st Century, Teaching for Understanding

This is a list of courses and conferences that I have attended in the past years. I totally recommend all of them!!! if you need more info, here is my mail [email protected]

1. Project Zero Classroom. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Boston, USA (2008)



2. Reggio Emilia Study Group. Reggio Emilia, Italy (2009).

3. Play On Conference-Playworks (2010)


4. Educating on the 21st Century -University for Peace, Costa Rica (2008)

5. Rosa Sensat Summer School-Barcelona, Spain (2009)


6. Teaching for Understanding Courses-Fundación Omar Dengo, Costa Rica (2007-2010)


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