

Pop-up playground en "Enamorate de tu Ciudad" -PROXIMO 9 DE ABRIL

los invita a un POP-UP PLAYGROUND el próximo sábado 9 de abril de 11.30 am a 1.30 pm y de 3pm a 5pm en el Parque España (frente al CENAC y al INS en San José). La actividad se realizará como parte del proyecto 

Aquí es donde se realizará el evento/Here is where the event will take place...don't miss it! 

Escuela Metálica

Bellelli Educacion invites you to a POP-UP PLAYGROUND in Parque España 
(San Jose, Costa Rica). 
When? Saturday April 9th from 11.30 am-5.00pm. 

(ENAMORATE DE TU CIUDAD!) Fall in love with your city, is a program of the Ministry of Culture and Youth, which seeks to strengthen and materialize a harmonious and deep sense of identity and identification with the city parks through art, culture and play.


Evolution: a game by PLAYWORKS

One of my favorites games that we played at the PLAY ON 2010:


Group size: 10-40
Length of Activity: 10-15 minutes
Development Goal: To increase social comfort and to improve non-verbal communication

Before you Start:
-Have the whole group gather in a contained area.
-Explain the evolution of all life: First the egg, then the chicken, the dinosaur, rock star and superhero. 

-Each stage of evolution has a corresponding action-egg is low to the ground with hands over their head, chicken walks like a chicken and clucks, dinosaur has arms outstretched like big jaws, etc.

-Demonstrate clearly the different steps and order of evolution, including what to do if you win or do not win Rock/Paper/Scissors (Ro-Sham-Bo)

-Make sure everyone knows how to play Rock/Paper/Scissors.
-Remind players that they can only do RPS with someone who is at the same stage of evolution, this encourages students to interact with many different people, not just their friends.

How to play:
-Everyone begins as an egg.
-Players mix up, pair up and play RPS.
-The person who wins evolves to the next step, the person who did not win goes down a stage. If the player is already an egg she remains an egg.
-Players pair up again, only with someone who is in the same stage of evolution. 
-When a player evolves all the way to superhero, she is finished and can fly around the area.
-Game ends when all players are also superheroes or when the time limit is up.

Enjoy the game and tell me about your experience with it, if you decide to give it a try!


Art Education at Home

It is easy to love art when you have a mom who is an artist! 
It is easy to love art when you have an atelier at home!
It is easy to love art when you need something for the students and your mom can do it for you in 5 minutes and the product is just perfect!
It is easy to love art when you can enjoy the process as well as the product!
It is easy to love art when your house is like an art museum!

Everyone is an artist-Joseph Beuys

(my mom)


Programas del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica

¿Sabían que el MEP tiene programas muy interesantes como éstos?

"Queremos que los estudiantes aprendan lo que es relevante y que lo aprendan bien: 
que nuestros jóvenes adquieran y desarrollen el conocimiento, la sensibilidad y las 
competencias científicas; lógicas y matemáticas; históricas y sociales; de 
comunicación y lenguaje que la vida en sociedad exige. Todo esto es clave, pero no 

En un mundo incierto en el que pareciera, a veces, que todo se vale; y en el que se 
vuelve casi indistinguible lo que vale más de lo que vale menos; en un mundo en el 
que prevalece el miedo, la pregunta de ¿para qué educar? adquiere un significado 
adicional y angustiante.  

 Así, como tanto ha insistido Gardner, a la educación que prepara para la búsqueda 
pragmática y dinámica de ‘lo verdadero’ debe agregarse la educación que forma para 
la búsqueda trascendente de ‘lo bueno’ y ‘lo bello’: una educación en la ética y la 
estética, como criterios fundamentales – y nunca acabados – de la convivencia 
humana. Una educación para la ciudadanía democrática, una educación que nos libre 
de la discriminación y el miedo."

Centro Educativo de Calidad como eje de la Educación Costarricense

"Ninguna idea para el mejoramiento de la educación; ninguna acción que se tome; ninguna política que se defina; tendrán sentido, si no tienen un impacto real y significativo en elevar la calidad de los centros educativos. Impactar los centros educativos es la única forma real de afectar la calidad del sistema educativo. 
Quienes estamos involucrados y comprometidos con la educación costarricense sabemos que tanto el dinamismo económico como el bienestar, la equidad social y la sostenibilidad ambiental de nuestro país depende – más que de ninguna otra cosa – de que nuestra educación contribuya a formar integralmente a las personas capaces de enfrentar con audacia, con creatividad y con espíritu solidario los retos de nuestros tiempos. 
Hoy, como ayer, la educación es la clave del desarrollo; pero en un mundo cambiante, los riesgos y las oportunidades de nuestro país – y de nuestra juventud – son enormes y demandan más y mejor educación que en ningún otro momento de la historia. Debemos estar a la altura de los tiempos. "


Falling in love with Seymour Papert's ideas

I am currently reading The Children's Machine from Seymour Papert and here are some of the main ideas that I extracted from the book: 

"The most important skill determining a person's life pattern has already become the ABILITY TO LEARN NEW SKILLS, to take in new concepts, TO ASSESS NEW SITUATIONS, to deal with the unexpected."

"The powerful contribution of the new technologies in the enhancement of learning is the creation of personal media capable of supporting a wide range of intellectual styles."

"It is CHILDREN who have most visibly demonstrated the energizing effect of media that match their intellectual preferences. They have the most gain and they have the most to give."

"Children have a remarkable capacity for making theories with a nearly helpless dependence on adults for information that will test the theories or otherwise bring them into contact with reality."

"The computer offer children a transition between a preschool learning and true literacy in a way that is more personal, more negotiational and more gradual and so less precarious than the abrupt transition we now ask children to make as they move from learning through direct experience to using the printed word as the source of important information."

"In education, the highest mark of SUCCESS is not having imitators, but inspiring others to do something else."

"Constructionism: the goal is to teach in such a way as to produce the most learning for the least teaching."

Papert on Teacher Training & Learning from ihor charischak on Vimeo.