

MIPE 2008-2009

En el MIPE tenemos una comunidad de aprendizaje que trabaja con un entorno virtual. Aqui encontraran mas informacion.

Actualmente estoy a la mitad del primer semestre en el máster. He aprendido mucho y aquí tengo varias fotos con las compañeras.


Harvard Project Zero Classroom 2008: Views on Understanding

First day at Radcliffe Yard.
Trying to organize my ideas in a map... I loved the giant post-it!
During a break of the Study Group Session.
First Day Reception at the Harvard Museum of Natural History.. with Steve Seidel.
Outside our Study Group Classroom. 
In front of the Harvard Graduate School of Education at Appian Way, Cambridge.

Understanding Goals/Throughlines from the Institute
1. What is understanding and how does it develop?
2. What are the roles of reflection and assessment in student and teacher learning?
3.  What are the components of an effective education for the world that students will live in 10, 20 and 50 years from now?


VIII Curso Internacional de la Enseñanza para la Comprensión

Educación Interdisciplinaria para el mundo contemporáneo
L@titud -Project Zero
Harvard Graduate School of Education

El 6 y 7 de junio de 2008 participé en en VIII Curso Internacional de la EpC en las instalaciones de la Fundación Omar Dengo. El curso fue impartido por Verónica Boix Mansilla, Investigadora Principal de Project Zero y conferencista de la Escuela de Postgrado en Educación de la Universidad de Harvard.

Quisiera compartir con ustedes algunas de las ideas más relevantes que aprendí durante estos dos días:
-Hoy en día hay una variedad de temas complejos que no se pueden abordar (en las aulas) desde una sola disciplina. Es por esto que la interdisciplinariedad de calidad debe basarse en el apoyo de los estudios de las disciplinas.
-La expositora lanza esta pregunta: ¿Por qué es importante la educación interdisciplinar en el mundo actual? Ella nos da varias razones: "Aprender a aprender implica poder comprender conocimientos emergenes". Además, "preparar a los jóvenes para oportunidades laborales cambiantes implica fomentar su adaptabilidad y capacidad para integrar áreas de experiencia." En este caso los estudiantes serían actores públicos y críticos de su realidad. 
-"Las personas demuestran comprensión interdisciplinaria cuando integran conocimientos y modos de pensar de dos o más disciplinas para crear productos, plantear interrogantes, solucionar problemas y dar explicaciones al mundo que los rodea de un modo que no hubiera sido posible mediante un sola disciplina. La comprensión interdisciplinaria tiene un propósito, es disciplinada y es integradora." (Boix Mansilla & Gardner, 2000) 


What does it mean to be well educated?

-"The goal of education is more education. To be well educated, then it is to have the desire as well as the means to make sure that learning never ends."-Dewey.
-Nel Noddings (Stanford University), urges us to reject the deadly notion that the school's first priority should be intellectual development and contends that the main aim of education should be to produce competent, caring, loving, and lovable people.
-Five disturbing consequences are likely to accompany an obsession with standards and achievement: 
1. Students come to regard learning as a chore.
2. Students try to avoid challenging tasks.
3. Students tend to think less deeply.
4. Students may fall apart when they fail.
5. Students value ability more than effort.


Master Interuniversitario en Psicologia de la Educacion

Next September I will start my Master in Educational Psychology. I am really excited about the acceptance and I am looking forward to it. 

The Master is at the University of Barcelona and it´s 3-4 semesters long.


Making Learning Visible

What is documentation?

Click on the title to see the webpage from Making Learning Visible.


Key Principles of Multisensory Instruction

  1. Children need to be able to attend to a lesson before they can learn from that lesson.
  2. Recognizing the organizational needs of a child's internal sensory system will help you teach more effectively.
  3. Rather than define students by labels that designate specific sensory strengths, such as "tactile or visual learners", understand that we all have different strengths and needs and benefit from learning in different ways.
  4. Using a multisensory approach with all of your students is more effective and realistic approach than designing an individualized sensory approach for each child or groups of children. From: Multisensory Strategies (by E. McIntosh)

Amigos del Aprendizaje
ADA is a Costa Rican non profit organization dedicated to teacher professional development to enhance the educational opportunities of low-income children. ADA works with teachers, families and community volunteers to promote reading readiness, reading and critical thinking among "at-risk" children in the Costa Rican elementary schools to improve quality of public education. Through its involvement of volunteers, corporate and other sponsor, ADA also promotes a culture of social responsibility and fosters private-public sector partnerships.

Sowing the seeds for a more creative society

These are the main ideas from the presentation of Dr. Mitchel Resnick at the University of Costa Rica (Feb. 2008)

  • "There is a growing gap between what is needed to be successful in today's society and the way we are preparing our children for life in that society.
  • Kindergarten Learning Approach: "We need to make the rest of school (indeed, the rest of life) more like kindergarten. 
  • Schools were not designed to help students develop as creative thinkers.
  • The traditional kindergarten approach to learning is well-matched to the needs of the current society, and should be extended to all learners.
  • For today's children, nothing is more important than learning to think creatively-learning to come up with innovative solutions to the unexpected situations that will continually arise in their live.
  • The goal is not to nurture the next Mozart or Einstein, but to help everyone become more creative in the ways they deal with everyday problems.
  • Children with different learning interests and different learning styles can all use the same materials (finger paint, wooden blocks, dramatic play puppets), but each in his or her own personal way.
  • I believe that digital technologies, if properly designed and supported, can extend the kindergarten learning approach, so that learners of all ages can continue to learn in the kindergarten style-and, in the process, continue to develop as creative thinkers."
I am a preschool teacher at Pan-American School.
I teach Kindergarten! 



Welcome to my new blog!
I will provide you with a variety of teacher resources that I hope will be useful for you. I believe that it is important to share information with many other teachers as well as families so we can provide a better education for our children.